Welcome to Wedding Gift Calculator

Find the perfect gift amount for the wedding you'll be attending


How are you related to the bride/groom?

The closer your relationship, typically the more to spend on a wedding gift...


What is your annual individual/household income?

The more your earn, typically the more to spend on a wedding gift...


What state is the wedding being held in?

Weddings vary in cost from state to state, one school of thought is that the cost of the wedding has a correlation to how much to spend on a wedding gift...


Will you be at the wedding?

Attending the wedding is typically an indicator of your closeness to the couple, thus impacting how much to spend on a wedding gift...

Party Size

Who are you bringing?

Attending solo vs as a couple vs as a family all impacts how much to spend on a wedding gift...

Plus One

Who is your plus one?

Your plus one matters, the closer your relationship to your partner, typically the more to spend on a wedding gift...

Ready to determine your suggested gift amount?

How Much to Spend on a Wedding Gift
